In 2002, Dale Mast spoke a prophetic word over my life (much of which has already come to past).  One of the things he said is that God is going to give me dynamic testimonies.  At first I was excited to hear that word until I realized several years later that in order to have a dynamic testimony you have to go through a dynamic TEST.  Over the years, I have had many tests and trials and I’ve had many dynamic testimonies.  Tonight, I add another to the list.

My husband, the baby and I were driving on a two-lane, back road home after spending some time at the mall.  In a split second, a car coming in the opposite direction lost control and swerved towards us.  My husband saw the car losing control in the distance and stopped.  As the car swerved toward us head on, we couldn’t do anything but call on Jesus to save us.  The car swerving towards us stopped 2 or 3 feet short of hitting us head on.  My husband, my newborn baby and I could all be dead or seriously injured right now, BUT GOD!  I’m so thankful that God’s word is true that a thousand may fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand, but it will NOT come nigh our dwelling (Psalm 91:7).
Again, I want to thank and praise the Lord for saving us once again!  Thank you Jesus!

One Reply to “Testimony Time: God Will Protect You!”

  1. AMENNNNNN what a awesome Testimony for he gives the angels charge over us to keep us safe. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful testimony on how Great our God is!

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