All working mothers know that you have to find new ways of doing things once you have a baby. Mommy Ministers are no different. This week I’ve been in a tug-and-war with K as I’ve been preparing my sermon for Sunday. Whenever I open my laptop and start to work, K throws himself into my lap and demands my undivided attention or he just slams my laptop shut as an overt sign that it’s time for mommy to give him attention NOW. So, as I’m coming down to the wire for my Sunday deadline, I’ve come up with some ways to help some of you prepare for Sunday with a baby. I hope they help you other Mommy Ministers.

1. Make use of naptime – I know this one is a given, but you’d be surprised how much work you can get done in an hour when it’s quiet. When you put baby down for his or her nap, get back into the zone with the Lord and crank out that sermon!

2. Make use of Daddy – If you’re married, take advantage of the extra help and put Daddy to work. Go into your quiet place and let Daddy feed, change and play with the baby. Make it special too. Daddy can come up with special activities for “Daddy and me” time.

3. Plan ahead – You never know when you’re going to get called to preach, so always be in prayer about what the Lord would have you to preach next. Remember. What does Paul tell Timothy? “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction” 2 Timothy 4:2 (NIV). Jot those ideas down as they come and when you’re called upon to preach, you have some thoughts in the bag.

4. Learn how to center yourself and get in a zone – Sometimes it’s just not possible for you to find a sitter or give the baby to Daddy, so you have to learn how to center yourself and hear from God with the baby throwing toys over your head. If the Lord could stop Saul in his tracks on the way to Damascus, He can give you a word despite a screaming baby.

5. Take advantage of every opportunity to write things down – Whenever and wherever you are, when divine inspiration comes, write it down! Write the vision as Habakkuk says. If you’re driving in the car, pull over. If you’re in the grocery store, write it down. Always carry a pad because the Lord is always speaking and He’ll give you the pieces that you need to pull your sermon together. Don’t put limits on God!

These are my top 5 for today. I’ll probably have some more in the future. In the meantime, please keep me in your prayers!

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