Parents tend to panic when their children exhibit the slightest signs of being unwell – they become startled at a cough or sniffle, and go into panic mode when they realize their child could actually be coming down with some kind of illness.

It’s normal for parents to panic, however, this will only serve to cloud your judgement and panic your children. Children are extremely intuitive, and they will pick up on how you are feeling. If they can sense that you are stressed, tense, and worried, they are going to feel worse. With all of the horror stories online these days, this can be easier said than done. However, you shouldn’t immediately expect the worst.

Here, we’ll talk about what you can do if you suspect your child is coming down with something:

Your Child Has A Fever

A fever is a sign that your child is fighting of a virus or infection. Children who have fever symptoms tend to recover faster than those who don’t, so this could actually be good news. A temperature between 100 and 103 doesn’t really make a difference, but over 104 degrees can be a bit worrying. Usually a fever will go away on its own, and how they are eating and acting can actually be more important than the specific temperature. You can contact a doctor after 3 days if it hasn’t gone away and they aren’t acting like themselves. You don’t have to treat a fever unless it is causing distress or discomfort, so just offer them cool drinks, ensure they are wearing the right clothing, and maybe give them Ibuprofen.


Trouble Breathing

Trouble breathing can be a sign of a significant chest infection or blockage in the airway. Keeping them calm will help them, and if you notice blueness around the mouth or lips you should get help straight away.  Places like Grand View Health offer urgent care so you’ll never be sat in a waiting room on edge.


You may need to get help if your child can’t keep anything down – they may be at risk of dehydration. Green vomit indicates a blockage, and projectile vomit can be the sign of something else at work. If the vomiting comes with severe headaches you should also get your child checked over.


You should always look into rashes that don’t fade when you press them. Most rashes are harmless and will fade by themselves, but get them checked asap if they are spreading and not fading when pressed.

Trust Your Gut The best thing a parent can do is learn to listen to that gut instinct. You know your child best, and every case is unique. All the information on the internet in the world can’t advice you on your own individual situation. If you think your child should be looked at, then take them to be looked at. At the very least, you may get some peace of mind. Remember, don’t panic around your child or they will pick up on it!

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