When your kids go back to school, it’s natural for parents to feel a little uncertain. As much as you’re excited for them to begin or continue their educational journey, you also know you will miss them, and you wish you could be there to provide essential support. 

Although you can’t hold their hand through every tricky equation or stubborn project, you can still find ways to protect them and ensure they excel in school, both academically and socially. Without being too involved in their school life (because they might not want that), you can still find ways to offer them the support and protection they need, even if they don’t realize it. 

Research the School Before They Start 

If your child is starting a new school, it is always beneficial to research it before you send off their application. This will give you a great idea of the educational values, the curriculum, the teachers so you can feel confident you’re making the right decision. 

If possible, you can also visit the school in person, as this will give a more authentic idea of how the establishment operates, and you may even see lessons being carried out in real-time. From this, you can get a feel for the school and recognize whether it is a suitable fit for you and your child. 

Speak to Their Teachers 

Once they have started school, parents can also speak to their child’s teachers to find out how they are getting on and whether the teacher (or teachers) has any concerns. Understanding the benefits of parents and teachers working together is something many parents ignore, especially if their child only gives them one side of the story, so getting to know them provides a substantial advantage. 

While you may not see eye-to-eye on everything and you will need to remember that the teacher should get the final say on certain topics, it’s always a great idea to introduce yourself so you can feel more comfortable discussing any problems your child has faced. 

Encourage Sociability 

A lot of children suffer from shyness, especially if they have just started a new school. It can be tricky to get them out of their shell, and this can make them feel isolated and can ruin their enjoyment. 

This is why it’s important to encourage them to make friends when they can. Wherever they go, they are bound to find someone who sharts their interests so they can begin a supportive social circle. In doing so, they can also reduce the risks of bullying even if this can often feel unavoidable with kids at a certain age.  

Keep An Eye On Their Social Media 

If you have allowed your child to have a smartphone and social media accounts, whether Instagram, Tik Tok, or Twitter, you can work out a plan with them that allows you to keep an eye on their social media.

Although this can feel intrusive, especially if your child is in their teens and feels independent, it allows you to check for cyberbullying and make sure they are safe both online and at school. Giving your child the freedom to speak to friends online will teach them important tech skills, but it can also come with several dangers. Consider the pros and cons of letting your child have a device.

Let Them Talk to You 

Some kids will not want to tell you if they are having a rough time at school, so you must make yourself available and let them talk to you. They may not want to respond if you press them for information, so remind them that you’re always there for them if they need you. This creates a more welcoming culture within your home and lets them understand there is someone who can help. 

Have An Action Plan 

As much as you can try to protect your child at school, there will be times when you can’t do anything until it is too late. To overcome this, you need an action plan, such as speaking with the parents of any kids who have harassed your child or even finding personal injury attorneys for hire who can help you make claims if your child was injured on the playground or in class. 

While this is an extreme case for many parents, it’s still worth remembering so you can take immediate action and ensure your child is as safe as they should be when going to school. 

Summing Up

Many parents want to be fully involved in their child’s life, but they also understand they cannot be there for every moment. A lot of these moments include their time at school, but you can still consider these tips to help prepare and protect your child from the wide range of challenges they may face and ensure they are capable of overcoming issues. 

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