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A recent US government study revealed that about 43% of children aged 2-19 had cavities in 2015-2016. Cavities are merely the tip of the iceberg of the many oral health problems children in America face. Consequently, your duty as a parent is to instill great dental care habits in your young ones that will prevent them from experiencing related issues now and in the future. Admittedly, convincing your kids to invest enough time and care into their teeth is easier said than done since there are many other things they would rather be doing. Nevertheless, you can do many practical things to pique their interest in oral health. Here’s how to make your children concerned about their dental hygiene.

  1. Engage in dental care activities together

Many dentists agree that one of the best ways to get your children interested in their oral care is to engage in great dental care activities like brushing and flossing together. It is common knowledge that kids are the world’s best copycats. They learn from their parents, caregivers, and even television. Indeed, research shows that toddlers as young as 14 months can repeat actions seen during videos after just 20 seconds of television viewing. Since young children learn by copying you, it is crucial to let them observe good habits they can easily mimic. Therefore, brush and floss together so they can learn how to do these practices properly by following your example. Besides, doing these activities together helps you observe them and ensure they are doing well.

  1. Schedule regular dental visits

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, every six months is a good schedule for kids to see a dentist. They can also start visiting dentists by their first birthday or once their first tooth appears. Therefore, start scheduling visits to any nearby dental clinic in the company of your child. It is important to start this oral health habit early, so your child will view dentist visits as a critical part of their schedule. This Brownstown resource provides pediatric dental services that cater to every aspect of your child’s oral care needs, from routine cleanings to custom mouthguards. Besides taking the fear of visiting the dentist out of children, these professionals are skilled at getting kids genuinely interested and involved during their visits.

  1. Obtain fun supplies

Your kids are more likely to be more interested in oral care if they have fun supplies. Therefore, consider allowing them to select their rinsing cup, toothbrushes, and even toothpaste. The good news is that various kid-friendly dental supplies effectively enhance children’s desire to engage in oral hygiene activities. As such, your young ones will be spoilt for choice during selection. For instance, many children’s toothpaste comes in exciting flavors like strawberry and watermelon. The average five-year-old is unlikely to be thrilled about using standard mint toothpaste. But, there is a huge chance that they will run to the bathroom twice daily to clean their teeth with fruit-flavored alternatives. Similarly, purchase toothbrushes with your children’s favorite characters on them. These toothbrushes should preferably be electric options to make the unpleasant daily brushing routine more exciting.

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