There are a lot of different theories about what happens after you die.  For those who don’t subscribe to the Christian faith, some believe that hell can be experienced right here on earth.  Well, I’m no New Age philosopher, but for the past two weeks, my husband and I have been in what I would describe as “Teething Hell.”
Our little man has 4 new teeth coming in and he’s been in excruciating pain.  So much so, that after an all-night crying session where nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing could soothe him, we took him to the doctor’s to make sure that everything was OK.  She confirmed what we already suspected.  K is teething.  What are the signs?  K’s stools are extremely loose.  He’s drooling much more than usually, and his gums are very swollen.  The doctor gave us some Advil for infants, which helped greatly.  However, I’m reluctant to use it every day.  I’m more of a “home remedies” girl.  I don’t always want to resort to pills or drugs.
In the meantime, we are taking it day-by-day.  Two of the teeth have broken through his gums and the other two are taking their sweet time.  My husband and I are coming up with creative ways to comfort K and distract him from the pain.  My prayer is that this phase doesn’t last too long.  I feel so helpless watching my little one suffer in agony.  Just think.  The molars haven’t even started to come in yet.  I guess we have something to look forward to.  Oh boy.  Please pray our strength in the Lord.
Do any of you have any home remedies of how to ease the pain of teething?  Please share!

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