We already know that massage is beneficial to our health, to our well-being, and to generally our moods. Massage is designed to raise the oxytocin and serotonin levels in the blood, which means you get all those feel good happy hormones just from having somebody pay attention to the soft tissues of the body. The thing is, most of us save massage as a special thing to do on a rare occasion.

When it’s a birthday, or when you have a couple’s date, or when we have a little more money than usual, that’s when we choose to get a massage. Instead, you could do this more often, and you could do it from home, especially if you have a friend or somebody who loves you to give you the massage that you need without having to pay for it in a salon. It’s not something that you can do by yourself, of course, unless you are massaging your own hands or feet, but a chiropractor will always recommend massage if you have back pain. And if you can make your own massage oil, then it’s only going to enhance the experience.It can be fun to make your own massage oil at home, and if you enjoy massages, it can be hugely beneficial to blend your own oil so that you know what goes into it. Speaking of which, let’s take a look at why you should make your own massage oils.

Image source: Pexels

  1. You have all of the control over the ingredients. Some massage oils that are used commercially are not great for your skin because everybody has different skin codes. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to the right massage oils and there might be ingredients in the one at your local massage parlor that irritate your skin.You can bring along your own massage oil blend to a professional to give you a massage. Or when somebody comes to your home to massage you, they can use the oil that you’ve put together. If you have control over the ingredients, then you know exactly what’s in it and what’s going to be touching your skin.
  2. You can customize the oil. If your skin type is dry, you can choose to add ingredients such as coconut oils to make sure that it’s well moisturized. If your skin is sensitive, you can choose ingredients that don’t irritate your particular sensitivities. If you have an allergy, then you’ll know to leave out the ingredients that trigger the allergy. It’s so important that you know exactly what goes into the oil that goes onto your skin, and your ability to customize it is a great way to choose to make your own.
  3. You can create special blends that match your environment. If your home is near the ocean, you can choose to create special blends that match your oceanic environment. You can do the same with forest settings or natural settings where your massage might be outside. For example, you can use cedarwood if you’re in a forest setting, and you can make sure that you have Himalayan salts in the oil if you are near the sea.
  4. It’s super fun.The best reason to make your own massage oils is because it’s fun to do so. There’s nothing better than playing potion maker and doing your own massage oil at home.

This a contributed post.

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