I am quickly approaching the end of my first year living in South Carolina, and in these short 12 months, I have learned so much about God. It actually boggles my mind when I think about all of things God did for me and my children in this short period of time.

It all started in December of 2014 when I started diligently seeking God about my next steps. Nothing in Maryland was working out. I’d been unemployed for a year, and no matter where I turned doors were closed. I networked. I hustled. I made calls. I tried to use my contacts. Nothing worked out. Doors were sealed tight! In hindsight, I know God closed many doors for me in Maryland to get me to move beyond my comfort zone and into the place He wanted me to go. He orchestrated people and events to get me to pack my babies up for a new life in the Deep South. What the Lord kept telling me was, “Launch out into the deep” referring to Luke 5:1-11. Despite everything I did in Maryland for a year, I didn’t catch any fish.

That quickly changed when I packed up my things and moved. In a mere three months, I qualified for a first-time homebuyers program, found a new house and moved my children into it to begin our new life. I also have a new job. I didn’t have to work hard for these things at all. I just walked into them because God gave them to me. And all I had to do to get them was obey the voice of the Lord. It’s amazing.

When I reflect on what God did, in addition to the story about the disciples catching a ton of fish after obeying Jesus, I also think about Elijah at Cherith in 1 Kings 17:1-5. God told Elijah where to go and about the provision God had for him there. There was a brook and God commanded the ravens to feed Elijah. Well, eventually the brook dried up, and that’s when God told Elijah to go to Zarephath for God had a commanded a widow to give him food. Maryland is my Cherith. The resources for my family dried up, and God moved us into a place where we’d receive much provision. God showed me how He would lead us to fertile or green pastures and provide for me and my children. He’s provided a home for us. He’s protected us from floods. God has done everything He said He would do. The Lord has truly been our shepherd.

I learned firsthand this year that there is a blessing in harkening unto the voice of the Lord and obeying Him. I wrestled with moving for months. However, I’m so thankful I took the leap and stepped out on faith. I say all of this to say if God is telling you to do something, do it! You don’t know what’s on the other side of your obedience. If I had stayed in Maryland, I wouldn’t be living in the abundance I am right now. God is not a respecter of persons. What He’s done for me and others, He can and will do for you. Just trust Him.

2 Replies to “Reflections on Faith and Obedience: 1st Year Living in the South”

  1. I wish that someday I can actually testify that the lord is good, I know he is, but I want to testify without doubt , without question. Your work strengthen me, I just need to let go and let God. I am struggling so much with that. I hope my comment reach you, I was widowed when I was 20 weeks pregnant, I just need someone strong in their faith like you. Thank you

    1. I pray that God will reveal Himself to you in a way you can recognize, so that you, too, can see that God is good and loves you despite what is going on in your life. It is a process; however, if you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, He is with you and has never left you. The love of God is the most powerful thing in the world. When you have knowledge of God’s love for you, you can face anything because you know the Almighty God is working on your behalf and not against you. You will know God is for you and not against. Keep praying and trusting God and the assurance of God’s love will come by the power of His Holy Spirit. Blessings.

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